Recall a mental image, a snapshot attached to an event or encounter or special or painful moment that has deeply impacted you. What is the sensory information transmitted by this image? What does it look/feel/taste/smell/sound like?

I don’t remember the role I auditioned for, only the role I received. My high school was performing Steve Martin’s Picasso at the Lapin Agile and I, a 5’1″, adorable, shy, caramel colored girl was cast to play the elderly, lovable, hopeless romantic and comedic Gaston. I had to sing, change my voice, wear a beard that was glued to my face and itched something awful, wear makeup that made me look old from afar and stuff a pillow under my shirt and vest. Also, I had the first line of the play, a song of course, and was required to burst through a newly painted door. Unfortunately, the door got stuck so my already challenging entrance was made more glorious when I kicked the door open while roaring, “TRA-LA-LA-BOOM-DE-AYE!” My eyes glanced over the shock of the crowd, hushed whispers and broad smiles. I never knew I could draw such a reaction from anyone.

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